Challenge Statements - - HacX! Hack for Public Safety

HacX! Hack for Public Safety

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Semi-Finals : 1400-1730 | 15 October 2024

Grand Finals : 0930-1300 | 29 October 2024

HacX! Hack for Public Safety HacX! Hack for Public Safety

Challenge Statements

Solve Crimes

Enhancing Safety
for Our Frontline

Develop revolutionary solutions to better protect our officers in their line of work.

Despite well documented techniques for prevention, exertional heat illness (EHI) continues to be a threat to officers. Those who develop EHI may require medical attention and incur lost duty time.

To spot an officer with an altered mental state, as a result of impending EHI in high heat risk training and operations, thereby allowing timely interventions.

Officers are often required to work in hot and humid environments for prolonged periods, resulting in thermal stress that may affect their performance and safety during operations.

To provide portable personal cooling devices that can alleviate thermal stress experienced by officers during operations.
Secure Borders

Deterring and
Solving Crimes

Pioneer state-of-the-art methods for cracking cases and seeking justice.

High-rise littering can result in grievous hurt or death. With residential blocks getting taller, it has become increasingly difficult for officers to determine the origins of the killer litter during their investigations.

Leverage on modelling and simulation engines to determine the trajectory path of objects and predict the likely locations from which they fell from.

Security and law enforcement officers have to manually look out for unusual objects, such as unattended luggage, that may pose as a security threat to commuters in the public transport network.

To automate the detection of unusual objects through the analysis of video footages captured by officers' body worn camera and notify the officers where required.

Disinformation is false information deliberately spread to deceive people. Such influence campaigns may adversely impact societal cohesion, trust in public institutions, and allow possible subjugation by a state actor.

To develop a solution to assess the authenticity of online information and then trace the source and dissemination pathway of disinformation.
Reshape Lives

Safeguarding Lives
and Properties

Develop solutions that will minimise damages to properties and lives during Home Team operations.

Homeowners' windows are often used as dispatch points for ropes during height rescue operations. However, due to the force applied, the ropes can damage window frames, and sharp edges may damage the ropes and endanger rescuers.

To ensure safe and secure rope attachment for rescuers while minimising collateral damages made to properties.

Navigating vessels in close proximity is challenging, especially with changing tides, winds, and sea states. Officers require skilled and labor-intensive mooring to ensure safe berthing and prevent injuries or vessel damage.

To develop an automated navigation system that minimizes the need for human intervention, prevents injuries, and ensures safe berthing under varying conditions.

Anti-drug ambassadors often need to create PDE content tailored for different target audiences but they face the challenge of having to quickly and efficiently navigate through extensive online resources.

Leverage Generative AI to create customised PDE materials in various formats for different target audiences, with a user-friendly interface and minimal editing needed.